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Name Type Description
@id string json-ld: full url to load the object (based on identifier)
ouaId integer Outdooractive id
identifier string
datasource string[]
dataGovernance DataGovernance
type string
additionalType string
additionalProperty PropertyValue[]
address PostalAddress
geo GeoCoordinates
geoDestination GeoCoordinates
openingHours string
image ImageObjectSimplex
name string
disambiguatingDescription string
description string
containedInPlace string
state string Tour state
time integer Tour time
length double Tour length
rating TourRating
campaignTag string[]
profileTag string[]
schedule Schedule[]
nextOccurrence date-time Contains the date and time of next occurrence of event
recurredCount integer Contains the number of repetition of event with one week frequency
elevation Elevation
link Link[]
autoTranslatedData boolean Indicates if one of the text properties was translated by machine.
ticketingContact string
priceInformation string
potentialAction Action[]
organizer Organization
lastModified date-time
sourceId string[]
hasReview string true or false if the object contains reviews
location string
category string[]
productAvailability ProductAvailabilityResponse[]
starRating Rating
context SearchContext