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Name Type Description
categoryTree string[]
tag string[]
containedInPlace string[]
addressLocality string[]
addressPostalCode string[]
time string[]
length string[]
state string[]
ratingCondition string[]
ratingDifficulty string[]
elevationAscent string[]
elevationDescent string[]
elevationMinAltitude string[]
elevationMaxAltitude string[]
season string[]
type string[]
combinedType string[]
combinedTypeTree string[]
leafType string[]
filters string[] Optional. List of OData filters.
datasource string[] Optional. List of datasources to filter by (with OR condition).
project string[] Optional. List of projects to filter by (with OR condition).
sourcePartner string[] Optional. List of source partners acronyms to filter by (with OR condition).
award string[] Optional. List of award ids to filter by (with OR condition).
campaignTag string[] Optional. List of campaign tags to filter by (with OR condition).
profileTag string[] Optional. List of profile tags to filter by (with OR condition).
allTag string[] Optional. List of tags to filter by (with OR condition).
category string[] Optional. List of categories to filter by (with OR condition).
facets FacetRequest[] Optional. List of facets which will be in the response.
scoringTag string[] Optional. List of tags which will be used for scoring (Beta) of results in the response.
sourceId string[] Optional. List of source ids to filter by (with OR condition).
location string[] Optional. List of location ids to filter by (with OR condition).
hasGeoShape string[]
productAvailability ProductAvailabilityRequest[] Optional. List of properties for searching product availabilities.
action string[] Optional. List of action to filter by (with OR condition). Possible values: OrderActionWeb, RegisterActionWeb and OrderActionDsMarket.
onlyWithAvailabilities boolean Results are filtered by availabilities (by default true if there is an availability-filter set) otherwise the information is only added to the search result. When it is true - facets won't be returned.
searchText string Optional. Search for contained string by the searchable fields.
searchFields string Optional. When name of fields are specified as a comma separated string (e.g. 'name, description, address/name') then only the selected fields will be used for searching.
select string Optional. When name of fields are specified as a comma separated string (e.g. 'name, description, @id, address') then only the selected fields will be returned.
currentPage integer Optional. By default equal 1. Determines which page of results to return in the response.
resultsPerPage integer Optional. By default equal 10 for regular request and 50 for pdf request. Determines how many results are in response.
orderBy string Optional. Determines name of field by which result will be ordered.
scoringReferencePoint string Optional. Coordinates of point in format 'Longitude,Latitude' (e.g.: 8.5172912,47.5722339) which will be used for scoring by distance.
onlySuggestions boolean Optional. Use property to get only suggestions in the response based on current request.
facetOrder string Optional. Use property to specify ordering direction (desc or asc) for facets results.
personalize boolean If true then personalisation is enabled. In this case a valid Authorization Token needs to be passed.
searchProfileName string If personalisation is enabled a specific search profile can be passed. Per default the first searchProfile in the user profile is used.